Introduction: Defined simply , gossip is as communication from one person to another about someone who is not present. Gossip is both a social function and a curious force that shapes the way we perceive others. Understanding the layers of gossip and exploring its definition, we can examine the roles it plays in our lives. Gossip is a social currency, and we sell ourselves cheap! While not always a malicious endeavor, gossip has anthropological roots and function.
Functions of Gossip:
Understanding gossip requires recognizing its multifaceted functions. Gossip becomes a dynamic force that shapes our social landscapes, influencing relationships, group dynamics, and even societal norms.
Information Exchange:Â Gossip often functions as a mechanism for sharing crucial information within a community. It can act as a social tool for transmitting news, advice, or warnings.
Social Bonding:Â Sharing gossip fosters a sense of connection among individuals. It can be a way to strengthen social bonds, create shared experiences, and reinforce group cohesion.
Norm Enforcement:Â Gossip can play a role in maintaining social norms by praising behavior that aligns with community values or condemning actions that deviate from the accepted standards.
The Social Currency of Gossip:
Some research would highlight that most people do not want to view gossip as anything BUT negative. However I would hypothesize that a great deal of people who engage in "harmless" gossip would negate the fact that they are in any way being negative. We as a society seem to have lost any sense of privacy or anonymity. Information is so readily available, we believe we are entitled to all of it, about everything and everyone. Something as benign as sharing with a mutual friend something that was told to us by another friend,is in fact by definition gossip. When I'm talking with clients I often talk about tiers of support. The vulnerability I may have with one friend does not automatically translate to another. So if I share with a friend about my struggles within my family, workplace, or struggles with my health, and that then trickles down to our other friend. While appearing innocent, self disclosures not rightfully belonging to them has become a circulating form of currency. And spending that currency devalues the relationship between myself and the first friend. When confronted with this fact I would hypothesize most people would shut down and become defensive, justifying they were "just trying to help." Think about the workplace, or social circles, even social media. How often a narrative is created, good or bad by a comment or a picture or even the company they keep. While gossip may seem like idle chatter, its implications are far-reaching. It plays a significant role in reputation formation, influencing how we perceive others and how we, in turn, are perceived. Through gossip, we navigate the complex terrain of partner selection, social groups and cooperation, and subtly shape the dynamics of our relationships.
Take a moment to reflect on your daily interactions. How often do you find yourself engaged in gossip, sharing anecdotes or insights about someone who isn't present? Recognizing the prevalence of gossip in our lives opens the door to a deeper understanding of its function as a social currency—a tool for communication, connection, and the negotiation of social norms. But what may be the unintended secondary and tertiary effects? What boundaries may need to be adjusted to preserve the sanctity of confidences?
Why we do what we do: When we engage in this information gathering quest, we are getting a hit of dopamine in the pleasure center of our brains. We as humans are curious creature. As social beings, we are naturally attuned to information about others, and beta oscillations ( simply put our brain waves) might serve as a neural signature of this. Imagine a scenario where a piece of gossip is shared within a social group. The heightened awareness could be indicative of the brain's active processing of this social information. This phenomenon could explain the allure of gossip, tabloid culture and our obsession with celebrity tattle; as our brains reward us for participating in the exchange of socially relevant details.
“Great Minds Discuss Ideas. Average Minds Discuss Events. Small Minds Discuss People"―Eleanor Roosevelt
Navigating the Fine Line: Positive vs. Negative Gossip: It's essential to acknowledge its dual nature. Gossip can be harmless, sharing about things or asking questions. Conversely, it has the potential to sow seeds of discord when negativity takes the lead. Understanding the fine line between positive and negative gossip empowers us to contribute to a social dialogue that uplifts rather than undermines.
Conclusion: In our exploration of gossip, we uncover more than just tales whispered behind closed doors. Gossip is a dynamic force that shapes the way we connect, perceive, and interact with one another. As we redefine its role from a simple act of communication to a complex dance of human dynamics, we gain insights into the subtle nuances that make gossip an integral part of our shared human experience. In other words we have to practice the pause before we jump into or stand idle to a potentially detrimental dialogue.If we find ourselves on the receiving end of said gossip, not allowing that to take control of our own self narrative. We are not going to be liked by everyone, nor do we like everyone.Having boundaries about how we communicate and what are values about communication are, is a huge first step.
References :
Feinberg, M., Willer, R., Stellar, J., & Keltner, D. (2012). The virtues of gossip: Reputational information sharing as prosocial behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(5), 1015–1030. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0026650
Gossip information increases reward-related oscillatory activity Helena Alicart a,b , David Cucurell a,b , Josep Marco-Pallares a,b,*